
When You Think You are Done, Change Brains

When you feel you are stretched to the max, consider that your brain signals you are done when you are only 40% done. When you are frustrated, when things get complicated, when you hit a roadblock, you have more in you than you think. What you ‘think’ about a current experience is controlled by parts of the brain that store memories of past experiences – what you did previously. It is also impacted by the old reptilian brain that wants to stop you from doing anything new – and keep you in your comfort zone.

Only by engaging other parts of the brain can you lessen the impact. ‘Routines become a rut – it becomes your life. If you see life as a journey, rather than an easy path, then you will challenge yourself to reach beyond your routines. You need tools to step out of your comfort zone, where you can grow and improve. Don’t let comfort become your norm – you don’t build resilience to do more and be more.

Only when you push your limits can you find out what your reserve tank holds.

What experiences can you share on pushing past your ‘perceived’ limits?

Author: Gail La Grouw. Insight Mastery Program Director, and Strategic Performance Consultant for Coded Vision Ltd.


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