Think Big to Play Big

Wise words from Dr. Seuss:

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

Create a legacy of your products and services every where you go – be your own 30 second infomercial. If you can’t say it in 30 seconds, you haven’t thought about your business enough. Words are not enough – you need to show enthusiasm and passion. Sometimes that upsets people – I am naturally enthusiastic about the work I do – my natural curiosity leads me to new discoveries, and I become passionate about how to integrate that into my business so I can share it with my clients. Why should I feel guilty about that?

Little people, even those that sit behind big desks, think everyone else should be little too. They feel threatened by those they see as superior or stronger.  I’m not talking about being a boastful and bombastic bore – enthusiasm can be shared in a civilised, elegant way. Even just smiling when you talk adds energy to your voice. If you can’t be proud of your business – how can you expect your customers to be proud of using your product or service.

Think Big

Don’t let the fact that other people are insecure about themselves to deny you the pleasure of sharing the value of what you offer. If you do, you risk commoditising your business – and yourself. And that is no way to play big!

Nothing spectacular ever happens in ‘the comfort zone’. Big thinkers and big players are always seeking out new ideas, and engaging in powerful conversations with other big thinkers and big players. They seek out sounding boards to bounce ideas off – and get invaluable feedback that helps them grow their business. So the choice is yours:

  • Think small – Play small
  • Think big – Play big

It should be one of the easiest CEO decisions you ever make.

Author: Gail La Grouw. Insight Mastery Program Director, and Strategic Performance Consultant for Coded Vision Ltd.
