Powering Up Attraction With Action

I just received an email from Roger Hamilton of Wealth Dynamics with a rather a clever twist on moving from action to attraction.

He sees this process as the way to get to the fast lane, in spite of whatever state the economy is in. As you no doubt have experienced yourself, action is one thing – but it doesn’t necessarily deliver the goods – we need to make sure that action is gaining traction towards our ultimate goals. Traction is the link between action and attraction:


But how does one know if they are gaining traction? Are you just over delivering on action, without really making progress to the right destination. This is where you need some form of signalling system to indicate you are indeed moving in the fast lane – a measurement and monitoring system.

It’s about getting maximum value from your time – doing the right things. Every ten minutes counts. Without some form of measurement, you have no idea whether your action is truly propelling you forward or not. It provides the clarity and connection between your activity and your strategy.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that your busyness is building your business. When you start working with focused, leveraged direction – your success starts multiplying.

Author: Gail La Grouw. Insight Mastery Program Director, and Strategic Performance Consultant for Coded Vision Ltd.
