Brain Training

How 23 Mins a Day Can Change Your Life

When you are already working long hours, getting out of bed in the morning can be a struggle for many. But what if there was a simple 23 minute routine that you could do that not only made you more productive during the day [cutting down those work hours] and made you feel happier and more energetic in the process?

To summarise…

  1. Gratitude – write down three things you are grateful for.  2 minutes.
  2. Journal – write down one positive experience experienced in past 24 hours.  2 minutes.
  3. Exercise – a short burst to train the brain that your behaviour matters. 15 minutes
  4. Mindfulness – focus on your breath going in and out. 2 minutes
  5. Express kindness – email of praise or thanks via text or email to a different person each day. 2 minutes

Total Time: 23 minutes

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