The Power of Being Authentic

If we look at the definition of authentic we get words such as true, reliable, dependable, faithful, trustworthy, accurate, genuine, realistic, and bona fide. Now, if you consider the attributes people are seeking in their business partners and suppliers, can you sense the similarity in the list of words they might put together? Sadly, very few people today are authentic. It is not because they are out to be false to derive a dishonest gain from someone else. It is tragically because over the years they have built a barrier around their true self based on the beliefs and values of others – influencers in their lives that set expectations of how one is meant to be based on their view of the world.

To be authentic takes three steps:

  1. Accept that you, like most other people in the developed world, are not currently acting as the authentic you would act
  2. Be willing to examine yourself to discover who you really are, and what you really want to be doing in your life
  3. Start taking action to break out the authentic you and start living a life of true purpose

The interesting thing is that life and relationships have this kind of inertia – they want to maintain a status quo that retains the current balance that everyone is comfortable with. Your life is overlapped by the lives of those you share your life with. Whether that is family, close friends or work associates. When you try to expand your life through personal growth, those around you sense the change and become uncomfortable. Their reaction is to try to pull you back to where they are more comfortable. This means that during this transition, and really for the rest of your life, you need to mentally and emotionally pull on an inner skin that holds all the beliefs and values that truly represent you, and that guide your decisions and actions that align with what is right for you, in achieving your true purpose.

Obviously, when working for someone else you have a responsibility to do everything you have been engaged to do, and pursuing personal excellence should not be confused with getting the job done. However, when your character portrays drive, character, power, and confidence, it will attract the energy of other like people, and doing your job will become much easier. Energy attracts followers. Qualifying your own beliefs and values does not prevent you from developing whatever skills you choose.

Outside of this inner skin, you interact with the people and circumstances that come into your life, for whatever purpose. We cannot control the actions of others, or the impact they have on the world’s economy. You might be in a sales situation with a difficult prospect or subject to deteriorating economic forces, however you can be in control of these situations in terms of their impact on you. The best way to do this is to be prepared with the right questions. Questions that will provide you with the knowledge you need to make the best possible decision based on the current set of forces. Scenario modelling helps you to be more prepared to be flexilble.

Helen Kellar said “Life is an exciting journey, or it is nothing”. The average person just appears to be happy. They have their normal fears, worries and limitations due to their own beliefs, values and thought processes, but underneath most people have a longing for a greater purpose for their lives. You can start your journey to that greater purpose right now. This is where self-discipline and that inner skin really come into play – to help keep you focused on the end game, and to help repeal the values and beliefs others try to impose on you that are not aligned with your own.

It will take focus, it will take barriers to avoid distraction, it is going to take a bit of bouncy skin to bounce of the expectations of what others want you to be, but if you have faith in yourself, and expect good things to happen, you have the power to not only change your own life, but to be an inspiration to others.

Regardless of whether you are a sales person trying to sell a product or service, or trying to build a personal relationship with someone, or just trying to get along as part of a team, you will be received more openly when people sense that you are being authentic. So why not breakout of the prison of walls that have been built around you and learn how to be the best you can possibly be, and live the life you were authentically born to live.

Being authentic is the greatest gift you can ever give yourself – it is also the greatest gift you can ever give to anyone else.