Effective Dashboard Design Outline

Module Reference: BI-6
Coach / Facilitator: Gail La Grouw



Why is it that over 66% of executives who claim they get the data they need, struggle to convert that data into actionable insight?

Our investigation has shown that aside from lack of data and business insight literacy, around 90% of dashboards fail to meet the basic principles of dashboard design.

Too often, dashboards are developed in brand colours, with graphics more suited to the annual report than a performance dashboard, and the impact is reflected in the above statistic.

This module is designed to significantly improve the value decision makers get from their dashboards.


Objectives & Outcomes

This module is designed to:

  1. Engage participants to create a meaningful and relevant training environment
  2. Discover why dashboards are failing, and what rookie mistakes to avoid
  3. Uncover what makes dashboards most effective
  4. How to design a dashboard that uncovers the real story to deliver positive results
  5. How to select the right graphics for dashboards that will significantly increase the value of your dashboard
  6. Establish dashboard development best practices, using a proven 10-step process to designing your own dashboard
  7. Start drafting a Dashboard Specification to ensure a consistently high standard across all dashboards
  8. Provide a publishing framework upon which to build and share dashboards across an organisation


  • Dashboard Design Decision Map
  • Publishing Framework
  • Dashboard Specification Template
  • Certification of Completion


Recommended For

  • Business Leaders and Managers
  • BI Teams
  • Data Teams


Module Units

Business Insight > Effective Dashboard Design
BI-6-0 Introduction to Effective Dashboard Design [EDD]
BI-6-1 Defining Effective Dashboards
BI-6-2 Converting Metrics to Messages
BI-6-3 Design Principles in Practice
BI-6-4 Selecting Visual Elements
BI-6-5 Design Process in Practice
BI-6-6 The Enterprise Dashboard Specification
BI-6-7 Wrap Up


Other Details

Includes: Video, Quizzes, Workbook, Exercises, Templates, On-the-job Practices, MP3 Audio Download, Q&A group discussions, and other bonus content. Certificate of Completion. Optional 1:1 consultations and reviews**.

Schedule: On Demand during a 6 Week Membership.

Cost: $AUD 347 [+GST if applicable]

** Additional fee applies for 1:1 consultations and reviews.


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