Data has been the key focus of CIO’s today. But just how much business insight is being garnered from available data? Are we focusing on data instead of insight?
In a recent article in The Guardian, Jane Dudman outlined how public sector managers are struggling with the mountain of useless data – none of which is helping them to “become more efficient or cope with budget cuts”.
Flight Deck to Data Insight
This is a common occurrence – and the sad thing is it has been happening for years. When I first started consulting, over 25 years ago, I took the concept of my previous role as an airline pilot and helped businesses par down their data to a single page view, emulating a pilots flight deck. The first thing I did was to get them to gather up all the reports they received within a single month, and using a highlight pen to highlight the specific data they actually used. It was not uncommon to find a single line on a 40 page report as being the only data of real value to them. Notice I said ‘Used’ – not ‘Read’.
Too Much Data, Too Little Insight
Whilst the bulk of printed reports has decreased significantly over the past 25 years, the problem of too much information hasn’t changed. So why is it that managers are so unwilling to ‘let go’ of certain data – there are in most cases an incorrect perception that they need to see all the data. Even that data being read by their direct reports. In most cases I can slash the amount of data executives receive by 40-50% in the first cut. In reality, most senior managers and executives only use around 10% of the data they receive to perform more efficiently. It’s about recognizing what data you personally act upon – the data you actually use. If you have 2 direct reports reading level 3 data – as a manager, you don’t need it. You only need level 1 to level 2 data.
So next time you feel swamped – ask yourself, am I receiving data, or data insight? – what data do I personally use – and what do I need to let go of, trusting that my direct reports are reading and using the data.
Author: Gail La Grouw. Insight Mastery Program Director, and Strategic Performance Consultant for Coded Vision Ltd.