What is the mission of this program?
This program is designed to support you on a deep, personally meaningful, and lasting transformation in the way you lead your life, your relationships and your career. It is more than just an information course; it is a fully guided coaching experience designed for ease of integration into a busy work life.
In 6-9 months you can transform from a tired, stressed leader who is constantly struggling to engage and motivate employees to a leader who is energised, in control and intuitively inspires, influences and involves others in productive and profitable outcomes.
Who is this program for?
This program is specifically designed for leaders. It approaches emotional intelligence from the context of what leaders and senior managers experience every day in corporate life.
What does the EQ Leadership Program consist of?
The NeuroEQ Leadership transformational experience is broken into 5 development modules:
Module 1: Introduction to EQ – this module outlines the role EQ plays in business today, at both the macro-economic level, and at the micro-economic level. It aims to help you understand how EQ impacts performance and the value of EQ as a corporate asset so you can power up your program goals specific to your current needs.
Module 2: Self Awareness – until we understand ourselves, and what drives our judgement and behaviour, then we cannot relate to why others think and respond the way they do. This module helps you shake off the ‘ought’ self imposed upon you, to reveal the real you, and who you need to become to support your ideal future.
Module 3: Self Mastery – takes the personal insight gained in module 2 and applies it to both our work and home life to create a personalised development program that will boost your energy, and drive more positive and productive performance. This is where your major transformation takes place.
Module 4: Social Awareness – moves the focus from you, to others. It teaches you how to ‘read’ others with more empathy and compassion, and how to use this insight positively to build better relationships and negotiation more profitable outcomes.
Module 5: Social Mastery – applying EQ to the various domains of leadership: communication, influence, change, conflict, time and relationships. It gets to the heart of applying EQ into every part of leadership, continuing your EQ practices to help others perform at their very best.
Module 6: Conscious Leadership – the capstone that demonstrates how critical EQ will be in the next decade as cognitive technologies pervade more of the worksphere. It introduces new business models that will be more profitable and sustainable in the future, and why the models we are using today will die, along with the businesses that refuse to let them go.
How long does the program take?
The program is designed as a 6-month transformation. Each course unit stacks upon the previous one so you can slide into the program easily, and build up your EQ layer upon layer. The drip-feed schedule is designed to keep you in the game until you reach the end zone.
To allow for travel and special project interruptions, we then keep your membership open for a further 3 months to allow you to complete the program at a more convenient time.
How does it work?
Once you register for the program, you will receive login instructions where you can view the first few course units. Upon completion of these units, and in synch with the program schedule, you will receive further units. These are strategically spaced to allow you sufficient time to complete the exercises and practices each week.
Course Units
Course units are video based, with downloadable workbooks and templates as needed. Most units take 20-30 minutes; with another 10-20 minutes to complete the exercises and quick quiz. Practices are done throughout the week as part of your normal day.
Exercises are designed to be readily incorporated into your already busy schedule. Some take just 1-2 minutes; others require a little more thought, but this is where you gain a very personal transformation.
The practices all relate to work scenarios. They provide you with a variety of simple to do tools that help you integrate your EQ development into your leadership in a way that works for you. You personalise the program by choosing which practices are most relevant to your current challenges.
Power Ups
Power ups are additional videos, interviews and articles that relate to the current course unit. These are optional and are purely for those who want to broaden their perspective from different subject experts.
Social Interaction
Each unit provides the opportunity for you to ask questions and share your experiences. These can be done anonymously, and provides the opportunity to gain from your fellow leaders. We also monitor the chat to respond to your comments. This provides you with some of the benefits of in-person seminars, combined with the benefit of a longer-lasting deeper transformation you can integrate into your schedule.
Group Coaching Sessions
Throughout the program we will host live Q&A sessions to answer all your questions and help you over any hurdles. We schedule these based on your specific requests to ensure you get the support you need, when you need it.
All materials, including the program workbook are available on course unit pages.
You can view the program online via any device, anywhere, anytime. MP3 downloads for each course unit are also provided for those of you on the move.
How do I register?
To start your leadership transformation from good to great register for the NeuroEQ Leadership program by clicking here.